Karen Siege is the 2018 NCAPA Endowment Student Grant recipient from the Elon University PA Program. Prior to PA school, Ms. Siege graduated from Slippery Rock University, earning a 3.94 GPA in Exercise Science. While achieving excellence in academics, Karen also jumped into volunteerism and leadership in her college and the community. And, she didn’t even slow down in the gap years between college and PA school! She continued volunteering at the Mayo Clinic Health System while working and pursuing EMT certification. In PA school, Karen has volunteered to help with under-served people in Alamance County and has attended several student leadership events through NCAPA and AAPA. Karen’s career goals include working in rural acute or emergency care, and serving as a future PA student preceptor. Congratulations to Karen Siege!
The NCAPA Endowment board gratefully thanks all who have made generous donations making these scholarships and other grants possible. Please consider supporting PA students and practicing PAs who continue to do the work of providing excellent health care services in North Carolina.