from Deborah Dolan, BS, Health Educator
Surveillance for Healthcare Associated Resistant Pathogens Patient Safety (SHARPPS) Program,
Be Antibiotics Aware Campaign
Communicable Disease Branch, NC Division of Public Health
The “Be Antibiotics Aware: Smart Use, Best Care Campaign” is CDC’s national educational effort to improve antibiotic prescribing by healthcare providers, educate the public on appropriate use of antibiotics, and prevent antibiotic resistance. North Carolina joined this partnership in 2014 and is hoping that healthcare providers will commit to antibiotic awareness to assist in the overall goal of the NC Department of Health and Human Services “to advance the health and well-being of North Carolinians utilizing the programmatic tools of our Department.” The Be Antibiotics Aware Campaign materials can be displayed within your facility and distributed to your patients throughout the year to promote antibiotic stewardship:
- Provider Commitment Poster: providers can sign and display the poster in exam rooms and waiting rooms. The facility logo can be added to the bottom of the poster.
- About Antibiotic Prescribing and Use includes 7 key factors to know to Be Antibiotics Aware. This poster can be displayed in all areas.
- 6 Smart Facts Handout: an educational tool including 6 facts about antibiotics and their purpose. Handouts can be placed in patient areas.
- Viruses or Bacteria Handout: Compares some common illnesses and their causes, and whether antibiotics may/may not be necessary. This can be displayed or distributed to patients.
- Filled Prescription Guidance: a helpful checklist for patients who are prescribed an antibiotic for appropriate use. The guidance can be attached to discharge papers or distributed at the pharmacy when a prescription is filled.
- Prescription Pads: provides a tangible prescription for patients with viral infections. Prescription card includes guidance on caring for viral infection symptoms (fluid intake, throat lozenges) and follow up instructions.
- US Antibiotics Awareness Week is a national, annual observance intended to engage relevant stakeholders – including professional societies, advocacy groups, for-profit companies, state and local health departments, the general public, the media and others – around antibiotic stewardship in the outpatient, inpatient, and animal health settings. This year, it will be observed November 18-24. The N.C. Be Antibiotics Aware Campaign will celebrate the week with various activities including a Kids Artwork Competition. Visit for more details.