The North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants (NCAPA) has been working hard this session to ensure PAs are once again able to sign for Disability Placards. As background, in late 2016 the NC DMV sent out notices to all local offices that the DMV could no longer take disability placards signed by PAs or NPs. While the law has always read that physicians must sign for these, it was understood that PAs could perform this task as part of their delegated duties and were routinely doing this. As a result of this change in interpretation, many patients experienced delays in getting the placard they needed. NCAPA worked with legislators in the house and senate on SB 160: Handicap Parking Privilege Certification, a law that specifically names PAs are one of the providers able to sign for these placards. This law passed both the house and senate and was signed by Governor Cooper on July 13, 2017.
We are proud of this work and want to use that momentum to continue to have PAs specifically named in laws that could limit PA practice. Please take the time to thank your legislator for passing this law by clicking this link.