by Kitty Kovacs, PA-C, NC Medical Board
Over the last four years, PAs have received very good results when undergoing audits by the North Carolina Medical Board. The NCMB performs approximately 30 random audits annually on individual PAs and, more often than not, those PAs are in compliance. Yet, there are those occasional instances when a few PAs and their supervisors receive private letters due to issues with compliance. It can be daunting to receive a call from a Board investigator, but there is no reason to panic. Some information you might find helpful:
The most common pitfalls regarding noncompliant audits are:
- Practice relevant meetings reviewing some clinically relevant data are absent or not performed in a timely manner (once a month for six months in a new practice arrangement and every six months thereafter);
- Written records of the meetings, signed and dated by the PA and physician, are absent;
- Failure to complete the mandatory Intent to Practice before practicing. (Look yourself up on the Board’s website and make sure your physician is listed as your primary supervisor!)
Some minor issues to be aware of include:
- Data is required on all prescriptions, including PA’s license number, and name/address/phone of the PA and physician;
- A periodic review of prescribing authority should be updated annually; consider adding this into your supervisory agreement.
- A backup supervising physician list, if you have one, needs to be signed and dated by those physicians.
Remember, this is your license and it is your responsibility to maintain compliance. Take the time to review rules and regulations annually when you renew your license before you are faced with an audit.
Questions?- Contact NCAPA or the NCMB, where a PA and two physicians on staff will be happy to assist you to help prevent issues.