The NCAPA Endowment board congratulates Jacob Cimolino as the 2018 NCAPA Endowment Thomas Benjamin Houck student scholarship recipient from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine PA program. Before entering PA school, Jacob (aka Jake) graduated Magna Cum Laude from Colorado Mesa University. He majored in Exercise Science and minored in Chemistry while also playing collegiate football all four years. Excelling academically, he spread that knowledge by tutoring others in the sciences and mathematics. Citing his firefighter father as a role model, Jake became a Big Brother to two elementary school boys, and also volunteered in multiple local youth athletics programs.
In PA school, Jake has continued his philanthropic activities, mostly focused on local needs such as helping with a community garden and conducting food drives. Though entertaining a career interest in emergency medicine, he has a passion to advocate for wellness activities and prevention by helping communities and patients instill healthy lifestyle choices. The NCAPA Endowment board congratulates Jake and wishes him well in achieving his goals.
The NCAPA Endowment board gratefully thanks all who have made generous donations making these scholarships and other grants possible. Please consider supporting PA students and practicing PAs who continue to do the work of providing excellent health care services in North Carolina.