In this issue:
President’s Letter
The Future of PA Practice in North Carolina
Save the Date! PA Day at the NC Legislature
2018 NCAPA Winter Conference
2018 NCAPA Job Fair
Suture Workshop in Winston-Salem – Save the Date!
Interested in Serving on the Board? NCAPA Seeking Nominations
New Law Permits PAs to Provide Hospice Care to Medicare Patients
NCAPA Endowment Student Scholarship Recipients: Elon University
42nd Annual NCAPA Summer Conference – Registration is Open!
Regional Chapter Updates
Welcome Members!
President’s Letter
by Samantha Rogers, PA-C
2018 is off to a fantastic start! We are going to have a fruitful and exciting year if the first month is any indication. I would like to share some highlights with you but please be sure to read the Pulse in its entirety so that you don’t miss out on additional details.
Our January Board meeting was not only a productive business meeting, but incorporated a member development piece for our attendees. We had the great privilege to welcome Dr. Clark Gaither, who had previously led a session at the NCAPA 2017 Summer Conference. Dr. Gaither is the Medical Director of the NC Physicians Health Program (NCPHP), an organization providing resources and support for PAs coping with and recovering from depression, anxiety, substance abuse, burnout, and other mental health concerns that may impact delivery of patient care. He led the group in a Core Values Inventory. All who participated gained valuable insights and benefited from this time of personal reflection. I encourage you to check out Dr. Gaither’s work at
NCAPA has launched our new 3-Year Strategic Plan with gusto, taking an important step on January 27th when the Board voted unanimously to approve our Optimal Team Practice (OTP) initiative. The initiative, designed specifically for PAs in North Carolina, was presented by the OTP Task Force and inspired by the policy adopted by AAPA. We will be conducting Listening Sessions across North Carolina to provide you, our members, an opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts on OTP. Be sure to read the next article in the Pulse for further information on OTP and NCAPA’s position statements.
NCAPA is also considering the formation of a Political Action Committee (PAC). With our legislative ambitions to strengthen PA practice, it may be time to boost our legislative efforts through the formation of strong and intentional PAC. The idea is under consideration at this time; more to come on this in the near future.
We hope you’ll make plans to attend the 2018 Winter Conference in Durham this month. It will be well worth your time and financial investment to attend these high quality CME sessions. Prior to the conference, we will be hosting a Job Fair on Friday, February 23rd. Also, for the first time and in conjunction with the PA Program Directors Council, NCAPA will be hosting a Poster Session to highlight PA and PA student scholarship on Sunday, February 25th. The Winter Conference, Job Fair, and the Poster Session will all be held at the Sheraton Imperial in Durham.
And, lastly, a quote from the inspirational Lou Holtz:
Thank you for being a member and we hope to hear from you and see you soon at one of our events!
Samantha Rogers, PA-C
NCAPA President
The Future of PA Practice in North Carolina
by Samantha Rogers, PA-C, NCAPA President, and Truett Smith, PA-C, OTP Task Force Chair
The following was sent in an email to all of our members last week. We are sharing here as well for any new members or for anyone who missed the email.
On January 27th, 2018, the NCAPA Board of Directors took a historic step forward to modernize PA practice in North Carolina, approving the following position statements on Optimal Team Practice (OTP):
- The NCAPA supports Optimal Team Practice (OTP) and believes that team- based care, where PAs practice in collaboration with physicians and other health care providers, is best practice.
- The NCAPA supports modernization of North Carolina’s PA Practice Act. The NCAPA believes that some licensure requirements are obsolete; and, furthermore, we believe that all supervisory arrangements should be made at the practice level.
- The NCAPA supports increased PA representation in the regulation of PA practice in North Carolina.
- The NCAPA supports that the quality work performed by PAs be reported and attributed to the individual PA. Furthermore, the NCAPA supports credentialing of PAs with all insurers and that PAs should be eligible for reimbursement for all medical services provided.
In August 2017, the NCAPA Board of Directors appointed a taskforce to look at AAPA’s OTP platform and determine the best way forward in North Carolina. This taskforce is made up of practicing PAs from across the state who work in family and specialty practice in a variety of settings and includes representation from PA educators and statewide and national PA leaders. This group reviewed AAPA’s OTP platform and considered current NC laws and practice environment. The Task Force drafted the above statements and presented them to the Board of Directors for discussion and voting. They were approved unanimously.
Next Steps:
This spring, the NCAPA will hold member listening sessions across the state to hear any concerns and to determine the best way to move forward. Please click here to express your interest in participating in one of these listening sessions. We will identify regional locations based on PA interest, so please make sure that we hear from you. Following these listening sessions, we will convene Advisory Panels to make recommendations regarding each of the pillars of OTP. Ultimately, our goal is that this work will result in a modern practice environment that emphasizes team-based care and ensures North Carolina is the best state to be a PA.
This is the time to make your voice heard! If any of your PA colleagues are not NCAPA members, please encourage them to join. We do not want to miss hearing from you or them in this important discussion!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is Optimal Team Practice the same as independent practice?
No. Optimal Team Practice is about team practice – not independent practice. PAs are not seeking to practice independently. The new policy simply seeks to enable a PA to practice without the legal requirement to enter into a supervisory agreement with a physician. In fact, Optimal Team Practice includes two important points that distinguish it from independent practice:
It reinforces PAs’ commitment to team practice with physicians and explicitly states the PA/physician team model continues to be relevant, applicable and patient-centered; and,
Calls for the degree of collaboration between PAs and physicians to be made at the practice level, in accordance with the practice type and the education and experience of the practicing PA.
Currently, PAs are held to professional and ethical standards by state regulatory authorities. Under the Optimal Team Practice framework, PAs will still be legally and ethically obligated to consult with and refer patients to physicians based on the patient’s condition, the standard of care, and the PA’s education and experience. If they don’t, that PA will be subject to disciplinary action by the state medical board, just as any other medical provider would be.
Are NCAPA’s policies the same as the full practice authority pursued by NPs?
No, it’s not the same – it’s better. The PA profession’s commitment to team practice is powerful. The PA and physician who work together get to keep all the benefits of the team without the legal risks and administrative burdens. Everyone wins.
Will this change how PAs work with physicians?
It won’t change how PAs and physicians practice together, but it will enable them to care for patients without the unnecessary administrative burdens, and without a physician being responsible for PA provided care. The PA role is well established – no change is required or anticipated. PAs will continue to consult, collaborate with, and refer patients to physicians just as they do now.
Whom can I contact for questions?
Please reach out to Emily Adams, NCAPA Executive Director, with questions and/or comments. You may contact her by email at or by calling 919.479.1995.
Save the Date! PA Day at the NC Legislature
by Sarah Wolfe, Assistant Vice-President, McGuire Woods Consulting
This year’s annual PA Day at the North Carolina Legislature has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 30, 2018. Go ahead and mark your calendar so that you can join your PA colleagues from across the state in advocating for the PA profession at the state legislature. As the providers keeping our neighbors healthy across this state, your voice is extremely important in the public policy process! More details will be sent to you in the coming months.
In the meantime, be sure to check out the Legislative Action Center for the latest state government affairs news.
2018 NCAPA Winter Conference | Core Medical Knowledge & PANRE Review
February 24-27, 2018
Sheraton Imperial
Durham, NC
The Winter Conference agenda is based on the NCCPA PANRE exam blueprint and will be geared toward a basic review of all organ systems. Even if you are not up for recertification or don’t take the PANRE, this conference is an excellent review of core medical knowledge for any health care provider. Click here to see the full agenda.
This program has been reviewed and is approved for 30 Category 1 CME credits for the general sessions and 6 Category 1 CME credits for the workshops by the AAPA Review Panel. PAs should claim only those credits actually spent participating in the CME activity.
Credits awarded by the AAPA are accepted by the ANCC Certification Program and the AANP as Continuing Education (CE) credits for nurses and nurse practitioners.
NCAPA has reserved a block of rooms at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel for conference attendees. You can book your room using this link or by calling the hotel directly at 919-941-5050 and using the code NCAPA2018.
2018 NCAPA Job Fair
Dont’ forget! NCAPA’s Annual Job Fair on February 23, 2018 will be held from 3:00 – 6:00pm at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham. This is the Friday prior to our Winter Conference that begins the following day, on Saturday, February 24th.
Registration is now open for job seekers. And it’s free! Polish your resume and practice those interview skills. Start the New Year with a new job!
Employer Recruitment:
We are now recruiting employers looking to hire highly qualified PAs in North Carolina. If you are an employer and are interested in having a booth, you can find registration forms and more information on our website. We are offering special reduced rates for public health and government employers.
Please register and spread the word!
Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors, the member social event that was planned for Friday, February 23rd at the Stead Center has been cancelled. An email has been sent to all who completed the online form notifying them of the change. Thank you for your understanding as we try to remain flexible to our members’ interests and availability.
Suture Workshop in Winston-Salem – Save the Date!
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Wake Forest PA Program
Winston-Salem, NC
The suturing workshop is a 3-hour workshop designed to review basic suturing techniques including simple interrupted, continuous, vertical and horizontal mattress, deep dermal, and subcuticular stitches. During the workshop we will briefly discuss the different types of suture material, in addition to the different suture techniques, and the indications for the use of each one. The majority of the time is spent practicing hands-on techniques by suturing pigs feet and becoming more comfortable with instrument tying and hand tying. The student to instructor ratio is kept low for maximum interaction and support.
Registration opening soon!
Interested in Serving on the Board? NCAPA Seeking Nominations
by NCAPA Nominating Committee
The NCAPA Nominating Committee is currently soliciting candidates for the 2019 Board of Directors and Nominating Committee. Serving on the NCAPA Board is an important way to contribute to your profession and a wonderful leadership experience. North Carolina became a great state in which to practice as a PA through the vision, leadership, and volunteer work of PAs just like you!
If you know a PA who cares deeply and wants to contribute to the future of the profession, who is a good listener, collaborator, and decision maker—or if you are that person—please submit a nomination for a position on the NCAPA Board of Directors.
The following positions for elected offices are open for nominees: President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Director-At-Large (two positions), and a Nominating Committee Member. To read more about these positions and to nominate yourself or a colleague, click here. The deadline for nominating a colleague is May 31, 2018. The deadline for nominating yourself is August 1, 2018.
All terms begin January 1, 2019. Nominees for officer positions (President-Elect, Vice-President, and Secretary) must have been an NCAPA Fellow member in good standing for the calendar year prior to election. All other nominees must have been a Fellow or Associate member.
New Law Permits PAs to Provide Hospice Care to Medicare Patients
from AAPA, Contact: Berit Mansour, 571-319-4394,
Congress passed and President Trump signed into law two improvements to Medicare that represent significant victories for PAs and the patients they serve.
The first improvement will allow PAs to manage and provide hospice care to terminally-ill Medicare patients; another will allow PAs to supervise cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs under the Medicare program.
Specifically, the new law modernizes outdated Medicare law with language specific to PAs in the Medicare Patient Access to Hospice Act. Read the full story here.
NCAPA Endowment Student Scholarship Recipients: Elon University
The NCAPA Endowment congratulates Ms. Morgan Payne as the 2017 NCAPA Endowment scholarship recipient for the Elon University PA Program. Morgan completed her undergraduate studies with a GPA of 3.99 at High Point University (HPU), majoring in biology, with a minor in Spanish.
Prior to PA school, Ms. Payne was involved in leadership of the local Civitan club and worked for organizations like food pantries and Habitat for Humanity. She was a founding officer of the HPU PA Club. Her charitable work with non-profit organizations took her to Trinidad, New York and Haiti for children’s outreach, and service to orphanages and schools. In PA school, Morgan has participated in a Burlington-based underserved clinic
Though unsure of exactly what type of practice she wants to join, Morgan is convinced that working as a PA right here in North Carolina is the perfect choice for her. Regardless of that choice, she intends to stay involved in medical mission work.
Morgan Payne receives scholarship from Sue Reich, NCAPA Endowment board member
The NCAPA Endowment board extends a heartfelt thank you to all who have made these scholarships and other grants possible through their generous donations. Please consider making a donation today to support PA students and practicing PAs who continue to do the work of providing excellent health care services in North Carolina.
42nd Annual NCAPA Summer Conference – Registration is Open!
August 19-24th, 2018
Embassy Suites, Kingston Plantation
Myrtle Beach, SC
NCAPA combines the best CME conference for PAs (and NPs!) with a family-friendly beach vacation. We start and end our sessions early so you can have the best of both worlds!
NCAPA has reserved a block of rooms at the Kingston Plantation in Myrtle Beach. Rooms in our block fill up very early, so we recommend you book your room ASAP! You may reserve your room by clicking here or by calling the resort directly at (843)449-0006.
Regional Chapter Updates
The Piedmont Association of Physician Assistants (PAPA) has elected the following physician assistants and physician assistant students to serve on its Board of Directors for 2018:
- President: John Cain
- VP: Elyse Watkins
- Treasurer: Brandon Blank
- Secretary: Jill Connor
- Director At Large (Term Ending 12/2019): Sunnie Flowers
- Directors At Large (Term Ending 12/2018): Frank Caruso and Aly Codrick
- Webmaster: Courtney Hughes
- Student Mentorship Coordinator: Ashlyn Bruning
- Wake Forest PA Program Student Representative: Laura Tastad
- High Point University PA Student Representative: Erika Ross
Welcome Members!
Welcome to our renewing and our brand new members!
The following members have joined or renewed their membership since our last issue.
Thank you all for your support of NCAPA and all PAs in North Carolina!
Jonathan Adams, Lexington
Meron Ajebe, Chantilly, VA
Donna Ajo, Danville, VA
Ramona Albrecht, Fuquay Varina
Lauren Ambrose, Jacksonville
Shelda Amilcka, Charlotte
Eileen Andres, Cary
Sayeh Araghi, Fayetteville
Mark Banks, High Point
Denton Barnes, Goldsboro
Samantha Barton, Colfax
Michael Beers, Salisbury
Timothy Bell, Lumberton
Melinda Blazar, Hillsborough
Lawrence Blelloch, Raleigh
Kenneth Boccaccio, Willow Spring
Kim Boggs, Carrboro
Andrea Brock, Mocksville
Devyn Brown, Winston-Salem
Ray Brown, Waxhaw
Vicki Bryant, Statesville
Valerie Buffaloe, Winterville
Elizabeth Bunting, Greenville
Jill Calhoun, Mooresville
Lauren Canada-Smith, Morehead City
Lauren Cartwright, Denver
Paul Claroni, Rutherfordton
Jason Coggins, Garner
James Coll, Jr., Raleigh
Julienne Connor, High Point
Brian Cook, Huntersville
Denise Criss, Lewisville
Lucianne Cronin, Charlotte
Jenny Daniel, Chapel Hill
Tanya Darrow, Henderson
Melanie Dawson, Rolesville
Robert Deckert, Lillington
Sarah Desai, Summerfield
Alisha DeTroye, Clemmons
Matthew Dobler, Charlotte
Charles Donau, Fayetteville
Elissa Doty, Raleigh
Patricia Doyle, High Point
Jennifer Drovie, Gastonia
Matthew Dunlap, Charlotte
Adam East, Winston Salem
Beth Edgerton, Rocky Mount
Beth Edwards, Chapel Hill
Stephanie Edwards, Cornelius
Thomas Esther, Durham
Franklin Everhart, Salisbury
Jacqueline Flynn, High Point
Valerie Forbes, Durham
Mike Forrest, Loganville, GA
Maria Fortin, Kernersville
Bob Franks, Goldsboro
Savanna Gary, Shelby
Lisa Gennosa, Tarboro
Lynn Gilbert, Boone
Alexandra Godfrey, Lewisville
Scott Gooch, Franklinton
Daniel Gray, Danville, PA
Lee Gray, Greensboro
Michelle Hajostek, Charlotte
Jesse Hall, Godwin
Kenneth Harbert, Taylorsville
Stephen Harris, Elkin
Alvin Haymond, Monroe
Ashlyn Hedgecock, High Point
David Henderson, Morehead City
Frances Hill-Bush, Irving, NY
Martha Hoffmann, Fletcher
Katherine Holloway, Clover, SC
Carole Holt, Winston-Salem
Dana Johnson, Cary
Jane Johnson, Fayetteville
April Jones, Zebulon
Cynthia Julich, Sanford
Jane Keilitz, High Point
John Keller, Kings Mountain
Katie Kellerman, Broad Brook, CT
Michelle Kerr, Matthews
David Kleczek, Henderson
Michael Knott, Clayton
Ivona Kocon, Mountain Top, PA
Jeffrey Lamphere, Fuquay Varina
Edward Lanear, Rocky Mount.
Mark Langefeld, Asheville
Rita Langworth-Brewer, Wake Forest
Kevin Lavery, Durham
Mark Law, Salisbury
Emma Lawrence, Colfax
Jennifer Lemmon, Randleman
Carolina Lewis
Jennifer Lewis, Cary
Leslie Lewis, Reidsville
John Lucas, Rocky Mount
Margaret Lucas, Charlotte
Colleen Mahar, Greensboro
Jeffrey Martinez, Schuylkill Haven, PA
Rebecca McClough, Waxhaw
Varnell McDonald-Fletcher, Durham
Don Metzger, Lumberton
Sherry Larrisa Miller, Hazard, KY
Rebecca Millsaps, Holly Springs
Nathan Montgomery, Wilmington
Jodi Morehart, Asheboro
Melissa Murfin, Elon
David Myers, Fayetteville
Katherine Myers, Raleigh
Martha Nelson, Hillsborough
Joanna Newman, Durham
Gary Nichols, Wilkesboro
Peter Omonde, Washington
Roger Page, Elon
Lori Pardue, New Bern
Sandy Pierce, Selbyville, DE
David Pitonzo, Oak Ridge
Elmira Powell, Greensboro
Joanna Read, Lumberton
Samuel Robbins, Roanoke, VA
Michael Roberts, Fort Mill, SC
Annette Robertson-Geesin, Kitty Hawk
Ashley Ronk, Garner
Nicholas Rosage, Apex
Crystal Rose, High Point
Michelle Saleeby, Winston-Salem
Brooks Schomp, Wilmington
Justin Shepherd, Ahoskie
Cynthia Simmons, High Point
Heatherly Simmons, Holly Springs
Lindsay Smith, Jacksonville
Sarah Smith, Fayetteville
Betsy Southern, Walkertown
David Spainhour, Gastonia
Taylor Sprague, Winston-Salem
Ryan Spurlin, Forest City
Mary Stanbery, Greensboro
Barton Stearns, Raleigh
Robert Stephens, Asheville
Jowanna Stewart, Saint Pauls
Jeremy Stinson, Raleigh
Annamarie Streilein, Durham
Patrik Stridh, Winston Salem
Beth Talent, High Point
James Taylor, Fayetteville
Katherine Vornheder, Charlotte
Michelle Wall, Elkin
William Webster, Greensboro
Hillary Weissinger, Cary
Carol Welch, Lincolnton
Courtney Wharton, Greensboro
Ronald Wild, Fletcher
Kay Williams, Spring Lake
Sean Wilson, Erwin
Josh Woody, Asheville
Robert Wooten, High Point
Pangnhia Yang, Hickory
Daniel Young, Newnan, GA